Parenthood begins when you hold your child in your arms.
Surrogacy – An Alternate to Adoption
What is Surrogacy?
Surrogacy is an arrangement where a woman, called as Surrogate, carries a child in her uterus for another person or couple, and then surrenders the child to that person or couple. There are two kinds of Surrogacy:
Traditional Surrogacy
Where the Surrogate is the child’s genetic mother. Surrogate is artificially inseminated using IUI procedure by either a Donor’s sperm or Intended father’s sperm.
Gestational Surrogacy
Where the Surrogate is genetically unrelated to the child. The surrogate mother carries a donated embryo to term. The embryo is conceived through IVF/ICSI or similar method. In gestational surrogacy the baby is genetically similar to the intended parent as it may inherits genes of both or one of the parent.
It requires a lot of money, patience, time and emotional as well as legal considerations to succeed whether it is carried out Privately or through an Agency.
However, it can bring fulfillment and joy to all concerned parties if the Medical, Legal and Financial aspects are considered effectively.
Surrogacy Law in India

When is Surrogacy advised?
Couples may be asked to consider surrogacy or may themselves choose surrogacy when
- They have had recurrent miscarriages.
- They have a health condition which makes pregnancy and birth dangerous to the mother e.g. dangerously high blood pressure, heart condition, liver disease etc
- The uterus (womb) is abnormal or absent, whether since birth or after a hysterectomy.
- Various Fertility treatments such as In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) have failed
Benefits of Surrogacy over Adoption
For Couples who can’t conceive, surrogacy creates a chance to parent a child who is at least partially genetically theirs. This genetic link may be through the partner’s sperm or an embryo which was created from female partner’s egg and male partner’s sperm.
It is a natural craving to want to have children who are genetically an offspring, but when that cannot be fullfilled due to various medical reasons, Surrogacy comes closest to a genetic offspring. Adoption, although a very noble act, does not provide an option to parent a child who is a genetic offspring.
Also, If you and your partner have an open arrangement with the surrogate mother, you can be closely involved with the pregnancy and be present during the birth of your child.
What is the cost of Surrogacy in Indore?
The cost of surrogacy is divided into following major heads:
- Surrogate Registration
- Cost of IVF procedure
- Antenatal care of surrogate and cost of delivery
Please refer the following Quick Reference Chart for knowing the Surrogacy Package at our clinic
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